Who We Are

Back in mid-2021, a group of passionate Democrats started gathering in a local living room to discuss the upcoming General Election. They met to discuss their shared concerns about the national political climate, and plan on ways to be involved in local, county, state and national political activities. Interest quickly grew and soon the living room was too small for the crowd, so in November of 2021, the group met for the first time at the Lakehurst Community Center. Regular monthly meetings have occurred ever since, although we no longer meet at the Community Center. 

Over the past two years, the Club has hosted numerous guests, conducted forums for candidates running for office, and celebrated events such as  Juneteenth and National Women’s History Month, by inviting the public to attend unique programs hosted by our members and guests. The Club has participated two years in a row at Manchester Day (at Harry Wright Lake) and the Toms River Pride Day Festival (in downtown Toms River).

On May 24, 2022, members adopted the Club’s first set of By-Laws and elected its first slate of Executive Board members. 

We continued to grow and expand our mission and vision, which is stated in our Strategic Plan. To reflect our continued growth, on March 16, 2024, Members In Good Standing adopted a revision of those early By-Laws. The updated By-Laws create new positions on the Executive Board, expanding it from 7 to 9 members. 

As of January 18, 2025, the Executive Board is comprised of:

President – Brenda Christian

Vice President – Kathy Frisch

Treasurer – Bob Lanik

Secretary – vacant

Director of Membership – vacant

Director of Programming – vacant

Director of Political Affairs – Gloria Adkinson

Director of Fundraising – Bruce Polsky

Member At-Large – Sandy Lewis

Additionally, numerous committees support the work of our very active Club. Those committees include:

Membership ~ Hospitality ~ Programming ~ Fundraising ~ Political Affairs ~ Nominations and Elections ~ and Communications 

Meetings are held monthly, usually on the the third Saturday of every month. 

For information on our meetings and updates on Club activities, please subscribe to our newsletter, HERE

Our Strategic Plan

Vision Statement

The Manchester Township Democratic Club is committed to promoting and fostering the Democratic Party’s principles and its spirit of dedication in support of the rights, liberties, and dreams of all American society, with equality, and without exclusion.

Mission Statement

  • To inspire and empower the residents of Manchester and Lakehurst to promote and advance Democratic ideals and values.
  • To develop an inclusive and active grassroots organization that will carry out Democratic Party activities.
  • To increase active participation in local, county, state, and national elections, and to foster open dialogue with our local elected officials through education, voter registration, and personal participation in the political process.
  • To provide a collegial environment for the sharing of ideas and the discussion of issues important to our voters.
  • To recruit, train, support, and elect qualified Democratic candidates for public office, in partisan and nonpartisan elections.
  • To raise the funds necessary to complete this mission.